It’s sad, but the asking price is way too high for bare Famicom cartridges, which mostly go for nearly nothing. Even boxed Famicom games are only a fraction of the price of boxed NES games.
It’s sad, but the asking price is way too high for bare Famicom cartridges, which mostly go for nearly nothing. Even boxed Famicom games are only a fraction of the price of boxed NES games.
I use a dongle, but man is it a pain in airports and on planes when I can’t charge at the same time
Here are this guy’s other “predictions”
Including stunning prognostications like this
Nintendo will not have enough consoles to sell Despite Nintendo’s pledge and best efforts, the new device will sell out very quickly and not be available for months in 2025. It will be even worse than 2017 when the Switch launched. Furthermore, the name will be Switch 2. I also expect deep price cuts for the original Switch in 2025.
It will never happen
Spellcasters are a pain to run. You can do a few things:
Assuming you’re playing in person, you can make or buy spell cards and lay them out or put them on a ring.
Pick 3-4 spells as their “signature” spells and primarily use those, and only deviate (perhaps via option 1) in special circumstances. Single-target, area of effect, buff/debuff/control, and healing are usually good. Also remember you can always re-flavor the spell description on the spot.
If it’s a party ally, turn over control (with the entire list of spells) to a player to control during combat. Provide guidance if they try to perform an action that would stray too far from what the NPC would do.
Hall analog sticks aren’t immune to drift. I replaced the ones in my joycons and a couple years later began to see it again in one of them.
Instead of replacing them again, I ended up buying the Hori Split Pad Pro for handheld use, which makes traveling a bit more clunky but has so far been fine.
Edit: I see some people didn’t like this fact
I don’t know why this is so challenging for people.
In person: Have you seen X? Are you caught up on the latest episode of Y?
Online: Always use spoiler tags to discuss the ending or specific plot details, including any surprises, unless the thread is specifically marked as a spoiler thread. Don’t talk about the fact that something has a twist ending, because revealing that is itself a spoiler. Yes, this applies even for older movies or shows; there’s no way someone has enough time in the day to watch everything they might be interested in. Before the spoiler, indicate what the spoiler is about (“spoiler for the ending to X”). Don’t put spoilers in the titles.
It takes no real effort and is just being considerate.
I did that exact replacement. One of the Hall replacements began drifting as well.
I’ve never had drift on any other system. Weird.
I dunno, Super Mario Wonder was pretty creative, my guy
Didn’t they shut down their own Wii U servers?
Well as long as an insider said it
Have to plan ahead for the mid-cycle upgrade
Welp, I guess I’ll just rebuy all the Ys games I already own on Vita
“I don’t understand” is a fine statement to start with, but it’s not the end. Take the initiative to educate yourself on the topic.
The latest research suggests that depression may be caused by low neuron production in the hippocampus, leading to lower neurotransmitter communication in the brain. This condition is passed down from generation to generation, genetically. Stressful life events can also contribute significantly given the above conditions, but they’re not essential.
It’s an illness and can be cured, but depression puts a damper on seeking help. Friends, family, and even the affected person themselves often don’t see the warning signs in the moment.
Current antidepressants boost neurotransmitter production and can take weeks to be effective, so new research is investigating boosting neuron production as an alternative or complement.
FYI I’m not an expert on this topic; I just took 10 minutes to research it online.
Already preordered!
I agree 100% with this and have thought the same thing. They built a huge sandbox full of interesting things to do and see, then put an enormous amount of pressure on you to play their story urgently.
By the way, I’m playing on Xbox. I don’t think platform matters for this particular recurring thread; I’ve asked about it before.
Jesus Christ. Try empathy next time
I like Mega Man 8 better than 7. Give it a shot afterward if you’re still after more high-res classic Mega Man.
Cel animation.