Ah yes, my favorite mod, Rimjob World
Ah yes, my favorite mod, Rimjob World
I think the meme is suggesting most games had a decent story. Not Game of Thrones level, but a decent 200 page book.
The US built itself up on immigration since the beginning, and most impactfully over the past hundred years with “brain draining” the rest of the world. “Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” and all that. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say most of the US’s success comes on the back of these immigrants with 40% of Fortune 500 companies being founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.
But the economy has changed since that poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. The US has become primarily a service industry demanding skilled laborers, relegating manual laborers to the lower class along with the illegal, and often unskilled, immigrants.
So you’re a blue collar American living in Appalachia, vying for the same factory job that your dad and his dad held and were able to afford a middle-class lifestyle. Except now groceries are getting hard to afford, fueling your truck hurts, and your new neighbor is a programmer who wanted a country home to relax in and work remote and finds your accent charming. You know you’re now at the bottom of the ladder, and you think the illegals willing to do your work at half the price are the cause. So deport all the imigrintz! Bring back white America! Make America Great Again! /s
I don’t have all the answers, but I think we should continue to restrict unskilled immigration and continue making it risky for companies to hire illegal immigrants, while offering a path to legality for those having been here for 5+ years. Raise the minimum wage, effectively securing a better lifestyle for those at the bottom (immigrant and native). Make some better/strategic investments in Central American countries so that people there have a better lifestyle and it isn’t worth it for unskilled labor to immigrate. Hell, build some manufacturing capacity so we’re less reliant on China.
Everyone prospers, America continues brain-draining, and the world keeps turning.
I think their argument just needs to be rephrased a bit. An English teacher would put an “awk” on that one.
“By referring to a population as food workers, we’re reinforcing a culture of class warfare still prevalent today. Illegal immigrants will never break free of poverty in this system designed to keep them economically oppressed, but incentivized enough to keep performing the job our society needs.”
If anyone hasn’t tried Mashlee yet, give it a go! Hilarious! Try the first episode, and you’ll assuredly know if it’s for you or not
Work in finance, but I have a degree in computer science! Been a hobbyist since my early teens running game servers and the like for my friends. Never persued tech professionally but it’s definitely helped a few times in my career. Just helped our web dev guy a week or so ago on getting our office’s public IP so he could block it from showing up in his analytics. For now I’m content running my home lab :)
I mean that’s not really true. The new FTC chair literally got the position by writing a paper on why Amazon should be broken up, and has raised numerous cases to stop recent M&A activity. One Meta/FB acquisition of a VR company, the Microsoft Blizzard/Activision buyout, among others. They’ve been shut down a lot by the courts.
Really wanna buy Dave the Diver, but still need to get myself together and finish Tears of the Kingdom
Anyone have a link to this allegedly blasphemous TikTok video?
If what he says is true, that it’s going up because of driver pay, that’s good at least. Uber at least has competition in Lyft, and both have a lot more markets to enter around the world by chipping away the established local taxi businesses, which can also compete by dropping their prices…
Overall I think Uber is a net positive. But $50 is a pretty ridiculous fee.
The Wallstreet Journal did a really good podcast interviewing Kenyans who worked for Sama on this particular engagement. Most of them said it affected their lives deeply, one said his wife almost left him as he just “wasn’t the person she’d married”. I think she ended up coming back after he quit at least, but yeesh. Another said he pulled away from his young daughter after reading prompts about child sexual abuse. Can you imagine that level of mental health hit?
Boy, religious indoctrination sure is scary. Wide-scale brainwashing leading to death and destruction for 20+ years in this case.
I think this is usually specifically for diesel fuel. Certain places have diesel fuel with red dye in it that is tax exempt. Any fuel you buy from a standard gas station has a good amount of tax baked into the price and it’s earmarked to go towards road and infrastructure repair. The thought process is, if you’re not using said vehicle on the road, you shouldn’t have to pay this tax.
So, they dye it red, sell it only at special places, and you get fined pretty heavily if you’re found using it in street vehicles. Typically it’s truckers that do it because most American cars (including cop cars) are not diesel. And I’ve never heard of this setup for regular gas.
Early seasons are great… But it just gets so sappy
Maybe you farted in your sleep
Training was the way for me! I was a pilot beforehand, but it’s such a unique and rather awkward movement that I probably would have really struggled without training.
I fly paramotors. Imagine a fan you strap on your back, a paraglider that goes overhead, and you run run run until you’re airborne! Never fails to put a smile on my face when times are tough. And maintaining the engine and planning that next flight keeps me occupied when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
I’ll never forget the conviction with which my wife once woke me up proclaiming a woman needed help. Waited a minute for another howl and taught her something new that night!
I tried Jellyfin a couple years ago, but it always struggled with ASS (advanced substation alpha) subtitles. I remember it had to burn them on play, or I’d have to use something like SickRage or handbrake or something to pre-burn them, otherwise my relatively modest server would cry. Googling isn’t telling me much, anyone know if this has gotten better?
He’s user number 24601 as far as I’m concerned