Fuck Nationalists, White Supremacists, Nazis, Fascists, The Patriarchy, Maga, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes, the Police.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022


  • Anything you have trouble remembering, or just find yourself doing often, create an alias (or bash script if it constitutes a multi line command). Name the alias something you can easily remember that also lets you know what that command does.

    Then, and here’s he trick, don’t rely on the alias. Use it when you can’t remember, say “aww, damn it I had to use the alias again”, and then use which followed by the alias name to see what the command was again. Do this over and over and eventually some commands will stick.

    Ones that you don’t care about or are just super long, just keep using the alias and don’t worry about remembering them. Use aliases as both commands and notes.

  • Yeah I can see that. These payment platforms need to be centralized due to just the nature of, y’know, nation state backed currencies.

    My only interest in this thread comes from my curiosity as to whether or not Patron, KoFI, etc. Can still provide their services at the level they already are, but way cheaper (I.e. give a higher percentage back to the creators). I know its somewhat low currently, but is it as low as possible?

    Just something I occasionally think about.

  • The continued disempowerment of American unions and American worker solidarity over many decades ultimately culminates with this overt power grab by American Capitalists. Others here have rightly pointed out that these foreign workers are fleeing their own capitalistic nightmares (oftentimes imposed on them long ago by an imperialistic western hegemony), and thusly are not truly to blame for wanting to come to America with the prospect of making a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

    Even if some of them might be aware that their coming here and taking jobs for lower wages has a negative impact on domestic labor, their impetus remains the same: escape poverty, keep your head down, fulfill your employer mandated duties, and survive.

    Let’s not miss the forest for the trees here. As George Carlin put it, American coorporate business owners want only one thing from their workers: obedience.

    “Well we know what they want. They want OBEDIENT WORKERS! OBEDIENT WORKERS! Just smart enough to run all the machines, and do all the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs…”

    The long term model for Capitalists across the globe has been to cripple the rights of workers over multiple generations if necessary.

    This is because they think we deserve nothing. The fact that they provide us the means to survive is something they feel we should be grateful for. But for us to ask, nay demand, to survive with dignity? That is blasphemy to them.

    In regards to dignity, they see that as little more than a business transaction. How much profit did you make them last quarter is directly equivalent to the amount of dignity they will afford you, as long as you also bend the knee and kiss the ring every day.

    They look to places like China or India with their terrible working conditions and worker compliance and salivate at a future where American labor is no different. They look to those same places and lust after the crushing of political dissent and resistance movements that exist there.

    This is the model they are now bringing to the people of America. And they know many of us won’t stand for it, but ultimately resistance movements are not preventative, but rather palliative, giving them the advantage of the aggressor. I’ve always said and truly believed, “Americans will never bend the knee for a King. Never.”

    But obviously I was wrong, and naive. Trump is forming his monarchy. America was born out of hatred for monarchs. Yet through our own vile prejudices, hatreds, and other weaknesses, we have plagued the world over with our ideologies through war, imperialism, colonialism. I know a true nightmare is manifesting here now. All that is left for us now is to go to our respective hills, and die on them.

    EDIT: wording.

  • I have a script that makes a list of every package and binary into an output file of packages as a list. I can just cat the output of the file in a subshell and pass that off to pacman -S. Pacman might complain here and there, but I can just edit the list. Then its just cp -r my config files that I’ve backed up and run my backups for movies, music, pics, games, etc.

    And yeah, it’s not perfect, but it’s good enough for me. I still have to do other stuff like switch out bash for zsh, etc. Gotta love bash scripts and backup configs though. That plus actual backups makes restoration from catastrophic failure at least bearable, albeit still time consuming.

  • Fuck these fascists. This is not just about Musk’s greed. All these sycophants around Trump obviously want so much more than money. They want unlimited unregulated power, immortality, a white patriarchal supremacist ethnostate. They’re setting up an Authoritarian Kyriarchical Totalitarian regime. An overt American Empire.

    The terrifying part about all of this is that this infighting, while perhaps entertaining to witness, is ultimately a display of monarchy forming in America, a monarchy that a significant portion of Americans apparently are willing to usher in for the sake of relieving economic hardship.

    In my view, this is because the power structures left in place by unfettered, unregulated capitalism have so neutered the power of the populace and stripped them of access to knowledge (and nearly everything else) that they are left with only a facade of choice every four years. They are left voting with their wallets or with their hate, because they are generally aware their vote means little more than delaying or accelerating the decline into fascism.

    We all know this is only the beginning. As the pawns and knights and rooks jockey for position around Trump, eventually a concentrated mass of the most sycophantic and power hungry will be the ones left surrounding him. And Trump gives less than two shits about competency and all the shits about subservience.

    After this jockeying for power has settled, it is likely the explicit and overt Empire building can begin, and the end of the world might very well transpire thereafter.

    EDIT: wording/grammer