Ah yeah I used to get high as shit before tests to replicate the same conditions I studied in.
I ran sid for 6 years without issue. You might like it :)
EDIT: I only switched after my employer mandated an Ubuntu flavor
My mommie always told me I was special
OIC. Seems like a gem of a person…
Amazon claims the socket is “LGA 771” which is like almost a decade old
LGTM. I did a double take when I read the socket for the CPU. Lol I guess Amazon fucked up the product page.
Looks good though
Oh God I didn’t even see that lol
Sorry what?
Check out how the active algorithm works. You might be expecting the behavior of the Hot sorting algorithm?
Are you particularly trying to test Ethernet? I can get 500 Mbps speed tests over WiFi from my phone pretty easily.