This didn’t come to light until recently see this article that the posted article links to.
This didn’t come to light until recently see this article that the posted article links to.
My theory is Loomer likes dog food.
There is a vocal contingent of people online who hate that chromium has the vast majority of market share of browser rendering engines.
On hand fuck Tuberville for blocking the unanimous consent vote. On the other if these nominations are so important then why are they not getting a regular vote? I realize that will take longer, but still. Do the Dems not have the votes or something?
An antenna will get you the games broadcast in your market. Other than that YouTube tv with Sunday ticket is the only non-privacy way that I’m aware of.
I would say pop due to fedora getting caught up in the all drama surrounding red har right now
Played the first one off and on until I finally finished it late last year after getting it in some bundle. A solid Metroid Vania. Can’t wait to play the second.
Of course they are without any data privacy laws companies are going to collect and then sell as much of your personal data that they can get away with.