I wish they showed Sarah’s face from that photo as well. It is a great juxtaposition. She is grinning like a bloodthirsty ghoul next to these miserable children she wants to send to the minds.
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OMG. This kid is looking right at her.
SHS smiles like an alien who doesn’t understand human emotions.
Shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree
Thank you. She looks like the sociopathic ringleader for some kind of Squid Game Jr. scenario.
She looks like the answer of what will happen if a bridge troll followed its dreams.
But… The children yearn for the mines…
There’s a reason they’re called minors
Thats a goooood joke Im stealing that. 👌👌👌
Yeah, the kid on the far right in the original is priceless too. His look says it all.
Deep in the depths of that kids mind
^^^What ^^^if ^^^we ^^^mine ^^^too ^^^deep?
Oh so like minecraft huh? Well you can play minecraft in real life! Heres a picaxe and go mine me some blood diamonds. To answer, no you will not be getting paid a fair wage
Meanwhile, the lazy mediocre deadweights of democracy:
bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTeImpervious to fact, to reason, to empathy. Enamored of the scent of their own flatulences. Which just happen to be the exact same scent as those from republican, kremlin and chinese troll farms. What a coincidence, eh?
I think “they’re both the same” is just an excuse for people not to outgrow their high school sophomore attitude and do nothing but complain. “Everything is somebody else’s fault and there’s nothing I can do about it” makes life super easy, just stay home and post on social media, feeling like you’re a justice warrior for drawing attention to the issues.
Both sides are the same, so long as you don’t care about trans right, people going hungry, abortion, medical care, worker’s rights,…
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female slingblade billybarb thornton
When Sarah is up for re-election I hope all the rural Arkansans, especially farmers and ranchers, remember one thing in particular. Cooks Venture (a poultry processor) went bankrupt practically overnight and left a bunch of poor farmers with tens of thousands of chickens that they couldn’t feed or get rid of.
What does governors office do? Euthanize most of the birds and then – in so many words – tell the farmers to take the rotting corpses and shove them up their own asses.
That’s honestly really low on the list of terrible/incompetent shit that’s gone on since she was elected governor but it’s important for one reason. It was a giant “fuck you” to her own base. SHS is telling the very people who put her in office, “I don’t care about you AT ALL.”
Reminds me of this old one that did the rounds:
That’s hilarious and I don’t think I’ve seen it before. Thanks for sharing.
Man, I hope that kid is alright. Depending on how old this photo is, that kid may well have died in a pointless war. Fuck
Look at Tim’s face… he’s so fucking happy about making something good happen for that community!
Repubs: Arkansas children finally have their FREEDOM to work restored!
Okay kids, who wants to pull an extra shift at the mill?
Funny, the largest grain exporter outside the US would love to keep sending grain everywhere: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66242446