I have been with you from your creation now to your grave. You were never really the most popular Reddit app, but you were my Reddit app. I will miss you.
I have been with you from your creation now to your grave. You were never really the most popular Reddit app, but you were my Reddit app. I will miss you.
So there was a time where the most common phrase among redditors was “the narwhal bacons at midnight” and during this time redditors were concerned about non-redditors pretending to be redditors to seem cool.
I thought it was to identify the people who didn’t go to the Reddit meet ups… Or was that something to do with waffles and carrots. I never got into the circle jerk side of Reddit
It was less about trying to find posers, and more about trying to find fellows. If you’ve ever played a semi obscure game and then seen someone with a bumper sticker or decal of that game you’d get the picture.
That’s at the whole thing was very silly. Honestly the entirety of the internet at the time was much less serious and dour.
EXCEPT when it came to grammar and spelling! Honestly, I miss that kind of pedantry from the old days.
I remember when instead of getting downvoted for having a slightly different opinion you’d get downvoted for the minorest of grammar/spelling mistakes.