Customizing the shit out of
Customizing the shit out of
“Unlike Communist China, the US believes in free market capitalism and that the market will regulate itself, the US would especially never threaten other governments to tow the party line unlike those communists.”
Leader of the free world everyone!
Also, plastic “recycling” is a scam. It’s not like metal or glass recycling where the material is just melted and easily turned back into brand new products. Recycled plastic is extremely low quality, there’s practically no market for it as a material, uses more energy than producing the plastic in the first place, and generates more in toxic waste than actual usable material.
Also also, you know these icons? The plastic industry deliberately chose a symbol that looks like the recycle symbol to trick the public into thinking almost all plastic is recyclable. They just indicate the type of plastic, and there is no practical way to recycle the majority of the types.
Ban all social media, return to pigeon mail
🚫 Tax the rich and redistribute some of their wealth
👉 Gulag the rich and redistribute all of their wealth
United States is literal hell on earth confirmed
Nah have you read the bible? God is genuinely horrible.
Virgin trees: Most seeds never sprout unless conditions are perfect, take forever to grow, a few bugs can kill an entire tree, need complex biochemical pathways to survive winter.
Chad grasses: Can sprout literally anywhere, grows whether you want it to or not, literally grows faster than things can eat it, outcompetes tree seedlings, brute force method to species survival, can afford to just die in the winter knowing more of them will crop up next season.
For deploying your sick playlist to production, obviously!
I forgot what the numbers mean already
Whenever I hear “but how can the police be racist if there are so many black officers?!” I think of this line from NWA:
But don’t let it be a black and a white one
’Cause they’ll slam ya down to the street top
Black police showing out for the white cop
There’s a chance their stars take so long because they might be using click farms to manually generate them which would be harder for spam detection to catch compared to generating stars with bots and hacked accounts, since technically there are actually x many people actually giving you stars, they’re just being paid to do so.
Federated repo hosting website when?
More and more I’m starting to see users of completely free and community-run open source projects expecting the same level of polish and customer service as proprietary commercial software, doing nothing to support or contribute to development while only complaining about how horrible they are when they are not able to do that. Then they switch to proprietary software, and when corporate enshitification happens to that software, they proceed to wonder why open source projects are all dying and corporate software vendors are getting more brazen in their shitty business practices due to not having serious open source competitors anymore. It’s whatever when individual people do it with software on their personal computers, but when the businesses that use it as core components of their stack basically have the same only take and never give attitude, is it any wonder that open source is struggling?
Hot take: when I first got into open source, I turned my nose up at the licenses that restrict large scale commercial use just like everyone else. Open Source Foundation sure hates them and refuses to even consider them open source. But as I understand the software industry better, I’m starting to come around to them. If you’re a company whose profits are over some threshold and you make that money through the use of open source software, why shouldn’t you have to give back to it? I think it’s not unreasonable that if you’re a billion dollar company running your entire computer infrastructure on open source projects, you should be required to contribute a small percentage of your profits to their continued development. Said software obviously brought you a ton of value so why shouldn’t you be expected to give back even a fraction of that value?
US: Funds cartels which increases the illegal drug trade in their own country
Also US: Hands out ridiculously heavy sentences for simple possession and use of drugs
Also US: Uses the private prison system to profit off prisoners by essentially selling them as slave labour
Also US: Actively makes the lives of ex cons hell with little prospect for reintegration into society which only makes them more likely to turn back to crime and end up right back in a private prison
Pretty genius if you ask me /s
I’d argue things like IRC, usenet, etc were also social media, only the term hadn’t been coined yet.